
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is not just a martial art; it's a lifestyle. Central to this lifestyle is the gi, the traditional uniform worn by practitioners. Whether you're a seasoned grappler or just starting your journey in BJJ, one of the common questions you might encounter is: How many BJJ gis should you own? This article explores the factors influencing this decision, including practicality, hygiene, and personal preference, to help you navigate the world of BJJ uniforms.

Understanding the BJJ Gi

The bjj gi consists of several components: the jacket (or top), pants, and belt. It is typically made from a sturdy, cotton-like material designed to withstand the rigors of training while providing your opponent with ample gripping opportunities—a fundamental aspect of BJJ strategy. The gi is not only functional but also symbolic, representing the traditions and hierarchy within the BJJ community.

The Role of Long Sleeve and Short Sleeve Rash Guards

In addition to the gi itself, rash guards are essential apparel in BJJ. Rash guards are tight-fitting, moisture-wicking shirts worn underneath the gi or as standalone garments during no-gi training. They serve multiple purposes, including preventing skin infections, managing sweat, and providing an additional layer of protection from friction and mat burns.

Long Sleeve Rash Guards

Long sleeve rash guards offer extended coverage, protecting your entire arms from abrasions and mat burns. They are particularly beneficial during cooler training sessions or when you prefer full coverage under your gi. Long sleeve rash guards also provide UV protection, making them suitable for outdoor training.

Short Sleeve Rash Guards

Short sleeve long sleeve rash guards are ideal for warmer climates or intense training sessions where maximum breathability is desired. They cover the torso and upper arms while allowing greater freedom of movement compared to long sleeve options. Short sleeve short sleeve rash guards are versatile and can be worn alone or under a gi, depending on your training preferences.

Factors Influencing the Number of BJJ Gis You Should Own

1. Training Frequency
  • Regular Training: If you train multiple times a week, owning multiple gis is practical. This allows you to rotate gis between sessions, ensuring each gi has time to air out and dry thoroughly between uses.
  • Occasional Training: For those who train less frequently, owning one or two gis may suffice, provided you maintain proper hygiene and care.
2. Hygiene Considerations
  • Sweat and Bacteria: Regular washing of your gi is essential to prevent bacteria buildup and maintain hygiene. Owning multiple gis reduces the frequency of washing, prolonging the lifespan of each gi.
  • Convenience: Having a spare gi on hand allows you to continue training while one gi is being washed and dried.
3. Competition Preparation
  • Competition Gis: Some practitioners prefer to have a designated competition gi—a well-fitted, often sturdier gi reserved specifically for tournaments. This ensures optimal performance and compliance with competition regulations.
4. Climate and Season
  • Temperature: In colder climates, you might prefer heavier gis that provide warmth and durability. Warmer climates may warrant lighter-weight gis that offer breathability and comfort during training.
5. Personal Preference and Style
  • Color and Design: Gis come in various colors and designs, reflecting personal style and team affiliation. Owning multiple gis allows you to express yourself while adhering to any gym or competition rules regarding gi color.

Advantages of Owning Multiple BJJ Gis

  • Rotational Use: Reduces wear and tear on individual gis, extending their lifespan.
  • Convenience: Always having a clean, dry gi ready for training.
  • Flexibility: Enables you to adapt to different training conditions and preferences.

Practical Tips for Gi Care and Maintenance

  • Washing: Follow manufacturer guidelines for washing and drying to preserve fabric integrity.
  • Storage: Hang gis to air dry thoroughly after each use to prevent mold and odor.
  • Repairs: Promptly mend any tears or loose seams to prevent further damage.


The number of BJJ gis you should own ultimately depends on your training frequency, hygiene preferences, and personal needs. For most practitioners, owning at least two to three gis strikes a balance between practicality and convenience. This ensures you always have a clean gi ready for training while prolonging the lifespan of each gi through proper care and rotation.

Whether you're drawn to the traditional allure of the BJJ gi or prefer the versatility of rash guards, investing in quality apparel that meets your training demands is key to enjoying your journey in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. By understanding these factors and considerations, you can confidently decide how many BJJ gis and rash guards to incorporate into your training arsenal, ensuring you're well-prepared for every session on and off the mats.
